Thursday 25 October 2012

The brother of puss in boots

"Yes it is I, Puss in boots"
"nobody cares puss,any way why are you here? this story is about me not you !"
"back to the story"

It was a cold summers evening I was cold in fact I was freezing. It was raining outside. I slowly walked to my milk bowl and I was thinking of how my brother would most likely be outside on a adventure with Shrek and Donkey. I was so jealous of my brother ever since we were little kittens, he had all the friends, he got all the girls, What did I get?  Nothing.

That same night jack in a hat (puss in boots brother) woke up to a knocking at his window Jack walked to his window to see puss in boots on the ground throwing stones up at his window.
"what do you want ?" Jack yelled tiredly
"I want you to come with me"
"come with you where ?"
"on an adventure, pack your stuff where leaving now"
"here we go" Jack thought rolling his eyes

That very next day Jack and Puss set of in a blue holden puss drove because he was way more mature.
"where are we going?" Jack yelled.
"on an adventure" Puss said with a smile on his furry face
Jack just sat there and tried to figure out what this adventure might be...
he thought it might possibly be helping him fight a dragon,Eating a 200 pound meatball,dancing with snow white and the seven dwarfs.

Half way through Jacks train of thought puss barged in to say
"Where here"
Jack looked at where he took him he looked all around him and all he saw was blackness
"where are we?" Jack was feeling scared now
Jack really wished Puss would give him a straight answer he was getting so annoyed with Puss

Jack couldn't see anything not even his own hand in front of him jack called out to Puss but there was no answer he was really scared he heard something fall behind him it sounded like a torch hitting the cold wet stone floor he turned around and to his surprise it was a torch. He picked it up and found some kind of a note on it he turned the torch on and read it to him self...

if you want to live follow my clues do exactly as i say and you should live through this. sorry i had to do this to you it was the only way. 

Jack just stood there reading it over and over again he wanted a clue puss told him he woud get clues! 
All of a sudden a note in a plastic bottle fell from the roof.

Jack                                                               sorry i forgot to give you a clue before so here it is... If you have a brain you should find a drain.

what kind of clue was that Jack thought but then he started thinking he thought of where drains where.... On the ground he thought to him self he shined the torch on the ground he searched in a panic he saw a drain and he ran to it he opened it and looked inside he didn't see anything until he fell in he screamed the whole way down he never saw a drain that deep he fell for about a minute when he hit the water he saw another clue floating in the water he quickly swooped it up with his claw he opened it and read it through

haha well i see you found the drain. :) now if you cant swim you might find a bright light but if you can you will stay in the tunnel.

Jack thought about it for awhile he can swim but if he can he will still be in the dark but if he just sinks he will see a bright light he was trying to figure out if he will see a bright light as in he will die or if he would see a bright light of the outside sun!

Jack hopped that he would see the outside light so he winged it and he swam down and to his surprise he actually did see a bright light he fell from a giant pipe on to the hard floor or a ditch he coughed and spat water out as it was a long time he held his breathe he searched the ditch for another clue and he saw one wedged between two rocks Jack grabbed it still coughing and spitting he read it and this one gave him a huge shock.

Wow you thought you were being clever didn't you well you weren't sorry Jack you have gone the wrong way and there is no way back! 
you tried and you failed sorry but there is no way i can possibly help you i will tell mum and dad you moved to canada

Jack climbed out of the ditch and to his astonishment he was in the middle of nowhere Jack blamed his brother for it and hated him but only if Jack new what trouble Puss was in...


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