Thursday 9 February 2012

Our Enlargement Art

We took an interesting piece of Van gogh art - Starry night and made a class piece of art using enlargement.  Here's what we did.

First we had a look at what 'starry night' looked like.  We cut the poster into 24 pieces (that's how many students are in the class).

Mrs Sentch gave us A4 sized paper with grids on them along with one of the cut 24 pieces.

We drew a grid on the picture.

Then we drew and enlarged the piece of the picture we had on the A4 piece of paper.

When we finished we coloured in the art with pastels.

When everyone had finished we put it on the wall like a puzzle.

By Veni.


  1. Looks like this required a bit of collaboration! I must come in and see it with my own eyes!

  2. The picture looks really cool and colourful at the end and I like the way everyones art stands out in it's own way....So it's really awesome....

  3. Everyone did such a fabulous job, our best session working on this I think was when we listened to the song "Starry Starry NIght" By Don McLean.


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