Wednesday 28 March 2012

Inanimate Alice Episode 1 - China

Today when we watched inanimate alice (more info to come) we needed to learn about China.  We did this collaboratively together using

Click here to see our document about China.

Thursday 22 March 2012

Could marmite really be the next trend in the Make Up industry ?

As you all probably know due to the temporary closure of the Marmite factory in Christchurch, Marmite is now in high demand, not just because it is an all time favourite spread, but it could be the official new makeup trend.

 Today room 13 discovered Marmite could be used as different types of make-up, both for the boys and girls! We found Marmite can be used as a lipgloss, nail polish, eye brow tinter, blush, body tanner and even a tooth whitener! No need to spend all of your money on a fake tan, why not use Marmite ?

The after affects:
The lip gloss made our lips lighter,
The blush made our cheeks softer,
It made our nails feel smoother,
And it made our eye brows feel delicate.

By The Marmite Girls (:
Krisana, Caitlyn, Jess & Rubana.

Monday 19 March 2012

Mathex Week 3

This is the set of Questions for Mathex from last week.  Enjoy.  See if you can stump your parents or other adults at home with them, but make sure you can solve them first!

Monday 12 March 2012

Mathex Day #2

On Friday we had our second Mathex problem solving competition. We are quickly learning that even if we are fantastic with numbers we need some work on word problems and problem solving strategies.

Here are the questions incase you want to practise for next time.  Some of the questions have a similar theme.  You might want to see if your parents and other family members can solve them too!

Mrs. Clarke

Wednesday 7 March 2012

How I started baking.

How I started baking.

Have you ever tried baking?
I have, and now I do it all the time. I started baking in 2009, and funnily enough, it was at school were I got the idea. In room 13 our class decided that we would make a recipe book.

Everyone would get a recipe book. Everyone would write a recipe and then we puplished it into a small book. We got to take a recipe book home and keep it. So one day I tried to make a recipe and it turned out great, and thats how I started cooking. To this day I still have that recipe book and I now love cooking.

Written by Charlotte 
I got these pics from google images.

Friday 2 March 2012

Mathex Day #1

Today we started our Mathex problem solving competition. Some of the questions were very tricky and they all got our brains buzzing.

Here are the questions incase you want to practise for next time.  Some of the questions have a similar theme.  You might want to see if your parents and other family members can solve them too!

Have a great weekend everyone.
Mrs. Clarke

Forgotten Chalk Art!

We forgot to share one of our lovely pieces of chalk art.  Here it is!

Thursday 1 March 2012

What is a leap year?

Thanks for sharing this with us today Lucy.  I know I really enjoyed it and I'm sure many of your classmates did too!
Mrs Clarke

Good Morning Show #2

Mrs Clarke's Hand Design

Thanks Sheetal!

Video of our second good morning show coming up later on this afternoon to see how Mrs Clarke got her hand design.

Good morning show Day 1

Matthew and Briana’s bedtime story.

Purpose: Entertain.

Matthew and Briana’s bedtime story.
One day there was a handsome young  prince,and and pretty little princess.
They lived in a big tall castle in New Zealand.
They loved their castle,and had lived there all their life. A couple of streets away was the biggest dairy ever. They went to the Dairy every day after there royal kindy ,to get lollies .They loved to get lots of lollies because they like to send them to children who couldnt afford them . They felt sorry for the poor and that is why they gave them to them also at Christmas time they would give them lots if Christmas presents.One day a wicked witch came and took all the lollies from the store then Matthew and Brianna were very sad. A couple of days later a girl called Rosie that moved next door to them and Brianna and Matthew told her about the witch. Rosie tells them that water melt the witches but not normal water it had to be water from a special water fall that was in the town  too streets away from them. So off they went to the find the water fall with the special water. so they went and packed some food and drink and 2 spare bottle.It was two hours later and they were at the forest looking for the water fall.. They got hungry and decided to sit and have a snack. Swish Swish the heard the water trickling amongst the rocks. They got out there drink bottles and filled with the special water. It was getting dark and late so they decided to walk home with the water but they didn’t bring a torch so they had to walk home in the dark. when they got home there Mum asked them what they had been doing and why they where home so late. They said that the had gone to get some water because the tap was not working that well. There Mum turned on the tap and checked if it was working ‘its working perfectly’ said there Mum. Now young ones it is time for you to go to bed ‘good night’ they say and run off to there bedrooms.The next morning the went to the dairy and Bring with them  a bottle of lemonade with was secretly magic water.They offered the witch a glass ‘Yes  ’ she said in a evil voice. Wow this water is delicious what is in this? “only special  ingredients.” The water isn’t working  they wispered to each other mabey we have to though it at her. So that is what they did. “Wow I cant belive that worked I thought it was a drinking postion not a trough at witches postion.” Said Matthew. They went home and lived happily  ever after.