Wednesday 7 March 2012

How I started baking.

How I started baking.

Have you ever tried baking?
I have, and now I do it all the time. I started baking in 2009, and funnily enough, it was at school were I got the idea. In room 13 our class decided that we would make a recipe book.

Everyone would get a recipe book. Everyone would write a recipe and then we puplished it into a small book. We got to take a recipe book home and keep it. So one day I tried to make a recipe and it turned out great, and thats how I started cooking. To this day I still have that recipe book and I now love cooking.

Written by Charlotte 
I got these pics from google images.


  1. Maybe you'll be on Masterchef one day! Ms F.

  2. Awww...Cool....
    I wish someday I will see that book of yours.
    Room13....(:d (:d


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