Friday 22 June 2012


In a world past Venus, Mars and all the other planets known to man, there is the most devastating land of them all. They are the lands of hunger. Only one living being is known to live in this world. They call him 'Him'. His stomach rumbles with every passing minute. He is so hungry that he can hear the emptiness in his stomach.


House robbery

I wake up to the sound of a window being smashed. I wonder if I'm dreaming but I'm not. I slowly get out of bed nervous about what it might be. I hear foot steps rushing around the family room. I'm really scared. I walk into the family room and see two men shoving everything we own into a black bag.
They spot me and aim there gun at my head...

Tuesday 12 June 2012

The four-sided triangle

I was walking down the street looking through all the windows of the shops and then i saw it. The awesome pair of sneakers I wanted but can't afford.  I carry on walking and see the four-sided triangle only for $6.99. "Jackpot!" I scream. I run into the shop that is called "shapes and stuff". I grab the four-sided triangle and race to the counter knocking over every fragile thing in the shop. When I reached the counter the man didn't look very happy,
"I'm sorry," I told the guy "but can I buy this?" I asked shoving it in his face. He took it off me and said,
"that will be $6.99." I hand him the money and he tells me that i'm $6.00 short so i quickly run away with the four-sided triangle.

I showed my best friend Freddy-Bob and he says "awesome". We run around playing with it when I trip and drop the four sided triangle down the drain. Freddy-Bob and I scream. We run to the drain it fell down and we stared at it when i said...
"hey the the four-sided triangle kind of looks like a square from this angle."

Under The Rug

Two weeks past and it happened again. This weird figure under my rug appears, small but quick. It looks like a huge rat but I can't be sure. The lump moves, and then moves again which knocked our table over with Mum's special lamp on it. Mum passed away just before this lump under the rug appeared. I can see Dad losing his temper. He was sick of this creature! Dad grabbed a chair and whacked the lump. It squeeked then moved no more. We looked under the rug to see what was there..........but the creature was gone! :O

Volleyball Poster

Ball Skills with Mr Fourie was so cool and we all enjoyed it,

...Vinnie's Free Writing Piece...


    After basketball practice I walked home.I live in a house in Lonely Street.It's called that because there's only two houses in there.My house and Old-Man-Nutter's house.That house has been empty for years but sometimes before I sleep I take a glance at that house and a really dim light is on.
    Every time I pass that house a shiver runs down my spine and it always feels as though someone is watching me.But like always,no-ones there.But tonight was different.I passed his house and at the corner of my eye I saw a small movement.My heart was pounding as I turned to look.
    I froze when I saw it.A dark hooded figure facing me.Even though I can't see its eyes , I know it's watching me.With my heart pounding I ran home.I have never run faster in my life.I barged into my house and ran to my room.I had a cold shower, put on my PJ's and closed my eyes.
    I'm falling into a dark hole and when I hit the bottom I see him again coming closer.He turns the air as cold as ice.I tried to scream but I couldn't.My legs failed to move either.I feel a cold hand on my shoulder and a shiver goes down my spine.Before I turn to see who he was my dream ended and I woke up.My bed was wet with sweat.Phew!I was dreaming I thought.But as I looked up...the dark hooded figure was still there.......

Written By :Vinnie

Friday 8 June 2012

Rocket Writing - Nightmares by Caitlyn

The dark figure slopes as he creeps around the hallway. He is carrying  a weapon, a deadly weapon. My heart beats faster and faster as I tip toe to my closet. I'm in the closet holding my teddy so close to me. Even though I'm as quiet as can be. He finds me and approaches me. I wake up to deadly screams and  successive sweating.


Rocket Writing - The Past by Caitlyn

I remember the day they pulled her smiling face away from me. Helpless I stood there. Her screams still torture my head. The memories we made will forever rest in my head, Although it was in the past, it will be something I never forget....
