Tuesday 12 June 2012

...Vinnie's Free Writing Piece...


    After basketball practice I walked home.I live in a house in Lonely Street.It's called that because there's only two houses in there.My house and Old-Man-Nutter's house.That house has been empty for years but sometimes before I sleep I take a glance at that house and a really dim light is on.
    Every time I pass that house a shiver runs down my spine and it always feels as though someone is watching me.But like always,no-ones there.But tonight was different.I passed his house and at the corner of my eye I saw a small movement.My heart was pounding as I turned to look.
    I froze when I saw it.A dark hooded figure facing me.Even though I can't see its eyes , I know it's watching me.With my heart pounding I ran home.I have never run faster in my life.I barged into my house and ran to my room.I had a cold shower, put on my PJ's and closed my eyes.
    I'm falling into a dark hole and when I hit the bottom I see him again coming closer.He turns the air as cold as ice.I tried to scream but I couldn't.My legs failed to move either.I feel a cold hand on my shoulder and a shiver goes down my spine.Before I turn to see who he was my dream ended and I woke up.My bed was wet with sweat.Phew!I was dreaming I thought.But as I looked up...the dark hooded figure was still there.......

Written By :Vinnie


  1. Thats soooo awesome Vinnie. I love your writing!!

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  2. I'm glad that was just a dream! Sounded pretty frightening.


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