Friday 27 July 2012

Why you should go to disneyland

When I went to the USA,one thing that we had to do and that was Disneyland.I think that you have to go when you are young so you can enjoy it a bit better.The rides are so well Themed that sometimes it fells like you are on a differnet place!One of my favorite rides was the golaries space montian!This ride in the dark is a Jetpacked ride with sharp turns and deep drops.Disneyland is a place that dreams come true and thats why I think that you should go to Disneyland when you are young!! But don't get me wrong you can go when you are OLD!!

By Kyle

Will you buy these products?

Room 13 was given a writing task last week to write persuasive voice overs for magazine advertisements effectively making them into TV ads.

We were learning to use emotive language to persuade someone to purchase our product.
We wanted to make sure we included...
  • emotive language
  • modal verbs
  • a slogan or a jingle
  • information from the magazine ad but not be a straight copy
Here's what we came up with.  Enjoy.

Dylan, Latham, Keanu and Kurtis present Maggie's Cheese Sauce.

Charlotte, Lucy and Fabienne present Hairy Lemon Drink.

Budget Tyres - brought to you by Jeremy, Jaydon and Mathew

Cadbury Creations - brought to you by Georgia and Caitlyn

Josh and Liam present Vanish

Maggi Noodles - brought to you by Denzil, Kyle and Clark

Jelly Joiners - brough to you by Leslie, Sheetal and Veni

Rubana, Jessica and Krisana present Pantene

Thursday 26 July 2012

National Young Leaders Day

National young leaders day this year was held on Thursday 24 May 2012.
I was really glad that I was chosen to go to this event because I was really inspired yesterday by a lot of people and it was a wonderful experience for me and the people that was chosen. I wish all the year 8's could go to this event so they could have the experience that I did but sadly only a handful of people from each class could go. 

Firstly I will tell you about what National young leaders day is about. National young leaders day is a day when the leaders of the school meet up in one place to listen to people inspire us. I know this sounds boring but its not. During this day you learn lots. The main idea for National young leaders day is to spark your potential. Now you may be thinking what that means. Don't worry I will tell you. What the people wanted us young leaders to do is to change the world for everyone, step up in what we do. 

Secondly how to SPARK your potential and what potential means.
This is what Nick Tuatasi said:
S: Shaken being shaken is a good thing Mr Tuatasi said "When my mother died I was shaken thats when               
    I knew I had to be come the leader of my family." 
P: Pushed being pushed not push so you fall over but pushed like how your teacher pushes you to do the               
    best you can
A: Angry means something is not right
R: Risk Step up if something isn't right 
K: Kickstart If someone encourges you to do somthing do it

What is Potential :
The people who went to National young leaders day had potential, that the teachers saw, they saw something in them that no one could see, they saw LEADERSHIP.

Thirdly I will tell you some quotes we got told...
The first person that talked to us was Sam Johnson he helped Christchurch and Japan.
Here is somethings he said to us.
"Get involved with people who are good doing different things (different abilities).
Think of how lucky we are to people overseas."
"Being crazy is awesome!"
"Embrace your ideas."
"People are just people."
"Say things that people are scared to say."