Monday 24 September 2012

Embaressing Moments...

  Okay, everyone has their embarrassing moments, right? Well, I know I have. It all happened just today. We had Fitness and we did 300 meter sprints. I ran and then about 50m to the finish-line I tripped and fell over. Man, it was a bit of a sore landing but I swear if I was one of those people who can blush, I would have turned to a tomato red colour!
 According to my sister my fall was hilarious (she even wished that she caught it on tape). I think I would have laughed if I saw myself falling too. Most of you might be thinking, "Thats not as embarrassing as mine!" If your one of those people than please comment to me about your moment.
 Other billions of people get their moment too. Here is a link if you are interested to read what some of them wrote. Remember to tell me your embarrassing moment in your comment :)


  1. Hi Veni

    Let me introduce you to reframing. That's when you look at something that happened in a different way. This has been very handy in my life - it means I am able to entertain myself endlessly while remembering things I've done. Try looking at the opportunities you have had to make others laugh (eg falling over in fitness) as your contribution to making the universe a happier place. The positive power of laughter is known to be a great remedy for what ails you.

    Keep running and making others smile.

    1. Thank You so much for the advice...


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