Wednesday 15 August 2012


Have you ever been to a wonderful beach, over looking the sea in your hotel?
I didnt think so. Australia the home of the wallibies. Beach's hotels and amazing theme parks.
One of my favourite theme parks is There are also other theme parks they are, and
 I have once been to australia and went to all theme parks
Some rides were scary and others were just plain fun! Its takes 3 hours to get to australia but is fun because you can watch movies on the plane. So the ride there and the time there are both really fun.
There are also markets on the beach at night so you will never get bored. Me and my family stayed in gold coast. It was amazing no rain just sun. We stayed in a hotel across the road from the beach so we could see the water at all times. The weather was amazing aswell. It went up to 40 degrees when we went to movieworld.

I recommend that you go to australia because you get fantastic offers. There are cool theme parks and Amazing hotels and a wonderful views of the beach.



  1. Hello Liam I really liked your post because it has personal voice and i could tell you wrote it, You persuaded people to go to australia, you explained your trip. I think you should visit my blog post too because I think you might enjoy it.
    Do you have any more suggestions of places where I can go?

  2. Hi. I myself didn't go to any other places really so I don't know.
    I will look at your blog and i will tell you what i think of it

    Thanks liam

  3. Yeh sound's sooooooo cool (Being dramatic) haha



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