Thursday 30 August 2012


Friendship is something that I find really important to have throughout life. People who are there for each other through thick and thin, also having someone to laugh or cry with. Friends leave memories that stick with you your whole life. You might even find you will be best friends for your entire life (which would be pretty cool if you ask me)! I love having my friends around me almost 24/7 and I hope we keep in touch when we split to go to different High Schools :). In this piece of writing I am going to talking about friendship?, what friendships are, friendships need and about my friendships as well.

Firstly, What is friendship? Friendship is a group of friends that that are kind to each other, people you can trust and you can tell anything to them. Friends are always there for you to lean on, weather you are  happy or sad. Friends NEVER let you down. Whenever you are around your friends, you always going to have fun, even if you're doing work.

If you want to be in a friendship you need to be committed to be a great friend who is kind, there to lean on and ready to tell your friends anything. With your friends you will have heaps of fun, but only if you get along well with them well. BFFL (Best friends for life) are hard to find, but when you do, you will stay best friends for ages.

My friendship contains Caitlyn. N, Georgia. W, Caitlin. M,  Kaite .L, Krisana .R (Who is my bestest friend ever, by the way!). We do almost everything together! From doing school work, to seeing a movie or going shopping together. Us girls also go to each others parties to which are hilarious! We have all the fun in the world and lets hope we keep hanging out together and still have fun in the future.

I don't know about you, but I really enjoy being in a friendship and I hope you have or find a friend that will stick with you forever. I think friends are the best things ever invented and they are the best things to have throughout your life :).

By Jess!x


  1. Hi Jess,
    I really like this piece of writing and it shows not only what you know about friendship but also how much of a good friend you are. I love the way you arranged your pictures and I can hear your 'voice' in your writing. Have you thought about using a video or slideshow in your posts?
    Mrs Clarke

    1. Hi Mrs Clarke!
      Thanks for leaving a comment. No I haven't thought of using a video or slideshow, but I will keep that in mind for my next post.
      Thanks again,
      Jessica :)

  2. Hi Jess
    Such A lovely piece. I can really heard your voice in this story.
    I also like how you arranged your photos.


  3. I agree friends are awesome and I thought that your intro was quite cool. plus who did invented friendship? :) (whatever that means )

  4. looks like you know a lot about friendship.
    you proved that friendship is importent


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