Wednesday 29 August 2012


Friends are like Families, they never let you go.
    "Family is what grounds you,"says Angelina Jolie. Families and Friends are hidden treasures, seek them and enjoy their riches. Families are one of the things that keeps us going and it would always be with us wherever we are. They are what makes us what we are and they will never change. Families are great to have to lean on because they are always there for you through thick and thin. They will never let you go.

    As you have probably guessed my topic is about families. Family is something that is really important. If you are one of those people that think that your alone and you don't have a family because you just don't, well the truth is that you do have a family and that you do have some people that fusses over you for no reason at all (My Mum does that to me) and those people are your friends. I mean, look around you. People do care for you even when you least expect it. It could be your best friend, your teacher or even your next door neighbour!
I got this one off google images.
    I have a big family.No seriously, I have 1 brother, 3 sisters (not including me), a Mum, a Dad and 2 loving Grandparents.At home well, I admit we do argue over some things but we always help each other out at the end. We do that because we love each other (though we don't admit it because it feels a bit weird sometimes) even though we argue sometimes. I guess that it's just a family thing. Most siblings fight and argue over things but at the end of the day you can always see them apologising and everything is back to normal.Hopefully...

    I love my family and I always have fun when they are around. Especially my cousins, we always do something fun when they visit.Oh and also if your going to a relatives house this weekend and your thinking,"Oh man, this will be boring!'. Well think again because you never know. It might be the next big thing.Good Luck!


1 comment:

  1. Hey Vinnie
    I really like pictures you used. The dear dad one is really funny and cute
    and the one of us is so cool :D


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