Friday 3 August 2012


Why to go to The Zoo.

If you go to the zoo you will get to encounter lions, Elephants, Flamingoes, Monkeys, Alligators, Cheaters, Turtles and more i can't think of. And you will have a great day just like i did. I recommend going to the zoo for a full day. To soke in all of the sights of the great animals. The animals range from small to the very big elephants. Click here for more information

When i went to Auckland Zoo me and my brothers we saw two turtles that were called the leopard tortoises. They were the fastest tortoise i had ever seen my brother took a video of it moving and he said "It is the fastest land mammals along side the Cheaters" But that was just a joke.


  1. Great to see you up and blogging on the Room 13 blog Keanu! The Zoo is a favourite destination in our household, we have season family passes so we try to get along at least once a month. We try to arrive early in the morning as the animals usually get feed , and we find that in the afternoons many of them sleep.
    I like how you embedded the link to the website in your post.
    So....big question - what are your top five favourite animals?......

  2. Ive been there be fore it is a lot of fun you shod go no my blogg from kurtis hope to here from you bey

  3. Hi Keanu, You will have to teach me about this blogging stuff!! Thank you for sharing this with us. I love the way you have a website link attached to your blog so people can find out more about this amazing place that we visited. One thing I remember learning about the Flamingoes at the zoo was the reason why they stand on one leg with the other tucked up really high..... I wonder if anyone else knows the answer to this question.


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