Thursday 30 August 2012


I found this image on google images .

Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest,it's about who came,and never left your side like for example my friends. Ever since I started school I have been making new friends from 2005 and ever since then I haven't been a third wheel or anything,friends inspire you to do things you can't or are scared of doing,my friends aren't mean or selfish,they stick up for me and are their when I need them to. At times they can go a bit over board but thats's just them,we plan thing's that we all could do in the weekend or school holidays. My friends are my friends and that will never change me for who I am or for who they are to,friends aren't about who you like or not its about who chooses to be your friend and if you do as well. Friends care for you when you need caring,friends chose to be your friend its not about looks or anything either its about you and your personality not about them and what they think.

A good friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself not anyone who bosses you around,A big friend, small friend,old friend,new friend,nice friend,sweet friend,good friend,you friend should have total freedom to be who you are whenever where ever to.Don't let anyone change you for who you are because you are you.



  1. What a great message Bre'dyn. Especially for girls your age who are heading off to high school soon and sometimes have issues with their friends. I would really like to hear about your friends and what they're like.
    Mrs Clarke

  2. Bre'dyn I can see how many girls your age would relate to your message. You are a great friend to all in Room 13 and I especially appreciate the way you display maturity in class. Thank you for being a role model to others.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. hi Bre'dyn

    that was such an amazing beautiful powerful peice of writing I enjoyed reading every word of it. I espesially liked the part about the good friend sweet friend you friend etc thing its really awsome.Bre'dyn you are such a good friend to others including me so thx for being an extra special friend

    from Charlotte:)XD Rm 13.


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