Wednesday 29 August 2012

My Pet Guinea Pigs

My guinea pigs are cute and fluffy.

Here is a story on how i got my guinea pigs...  

I wanted to get guinea pigs or GP's for short, since my old friend showed me his GP's and they were so cute. So I knew, I had to get some. So I asked my parents If I could get some GP's for my birthday. And yes they said mmmmm were not sure but in the end they said YES!! But they did not tell me so on my birthday, my dad got some wood planks and some wire, and put it in the garage. So when I woke up they gave me a card and it said (Go have a look in the garage) So I did and and all the material was there and dad said we've made our minds up and we agred to get you GP's, I was so happy.

I also have another GP it's name is Mini. I got Mini from my sister. My sister resuced it. From bad living conditions. And it was really skinny. So she took it and restored it's health and feed it so it would be fatter and not so skinny. Then she built a run for the GP so it could run around. Then they got sick of their rental so they bought a house and they are moving. And i'm looking after their guinea pig Mini. Mini is really cute.

For more info on Guinea pigs click here

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Thank you for reading.

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  1. Hi Keanu,
    I LOVE guinea pigs. I used to own two - Romeo and Julian. In fact, when I first started teaching at Reremoana School we had one in our class - Romeo. So I know how much fun they are. What is the best thing about owning guinea pigs? And what is the worst?
    Mrs Clarke

  2. Hi Keanu I really like your blog post about guinea pigs. Have you ever had another pet before having a guinea pig?

  3. Hi Keanu I really like guinea pigs. How old are they and what are there names? And I like how you added multimedia and a link.

    1. Hi Clark

      My Guinea pigs names are Adal Aroha and Mini Adal and aroha are two years old and I do not know how old Mini is



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